
Hello there! My name is Dan Neil, and I’m the author of The Daybreak Saga and the upcoming Legends of the Nova Rim. Thanks for being here!

I plan on posting at least once a week, and I’ll include updates whenever a new chapter of Legends of the Nova Rim is released or whenever a new book or novella is available for purchase, so stay tuned.

As for what I’ll generally be writing about, I like to explore a wide variety of topics. I don’t like to limit myself to a niche, if that makes sense. Sometimes I’ll be talking about reviews of other media, sometimes I’ll be talking about my daily life or current events. All opinions I espouse are my own.

So, if you’ve come looking for adventure, look no further. Click here to read more about my currently published works. I’m hopeful these worlds will come alive for you as much as they do for me.

This is Dan Neil signing off. As always, thanks for reading, and have a great day!